Future of Cloverdex — Announcement

It is unfortunate that we are announcing the end of the Cloverdex ICO. Although we had planned to extend the mainsale to 30 March 2019, we feel that we need to be as transparent as possible.

Throughout the past few months we are proud to have received the support of our community. Our Telegram community have reached over 4600 individuals who share the same vision as us, to create a decentralised exchange platform that is user friendly for both beginner and advance users with debit card functionality. We have also gained a strong following on twitter and other social networks, and built strong partnerships with a number of other pioneering and successful crypto projects.

The presale and mainsale ICO was not as successful as we expected raising a total of 4.5 eth (see 0x0d1B17a017e15d23768E4389534DaC8b253D84Bd). Yes we know, we are as disappointed as you.

As such we have not reached our soft cap. We have tried as hard as we could to increase awareness and sales, however unfortunately the current ICO market is simply not what it was compared to late 2017/early 2018.

Rest assured however that our vision and mission still remains strong and this is not the end of Cloverdex.

To alleviate some of the concerns our community have shared, below is the next steps for Cloverdex:

  • Presalers and mainsale participants will be receiving a full refund over the course of the next 2 weeks. Don’t worry, we have your eth address. There is nothing more you need to do.
  • Bounty participants will be validated over the next few weeks and progressively paid their allocated tokens. Bounty program ceases as of 15 March 2019.
  • We will be looking at a number of private funding options to fund the project in the future. These options may include institutional or venture capital investments. As more information becomes available, we will broadcast to the community. The platform will go live around a month after sufficient funding is available.
  • CLDX utility token holders will still retain all the benefits of holding the tokens when our exchange platform finally launches (pending private funding).
  • We will be looking at listing the CLDX tokens across a number of exchanges (stay tuned for more information).
  • Our announced partnerships and token listings of many highly successful and pioneering crypto projects are still in place and when the platform is released, we will be listing these tokens/currencies.

Again, thank you for the fantastic support. We are proud of the community we have built and the great work of our community managers.

We are extremely excited about the future.

Until next time.

Cloverdex team.

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